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Products / Beef Cattle / Suplementos Linha Puro Bovi / Puro Bovi Suplemento Mineral Energético 10PB

Puro Bovi Suplemento Mineral Energético 10PB

Energetic mineral supplement with ionophores and tannin, developed to increase weight gain and feed efficiency for cattle in pastures with high protein value, such as ryegrass, oats, clovers and native field in spring / summer. Suitable for all stages of the herd.

Use expressly prohibited in the feeding of horses.

Pelletized product.

30kg packages.

How to use:

Ready to use pelleted supplement with consumption limiter. It does not need adaptation.


Soybean meal (GMO from Agrobacterium sp.), Whole corn (GMO from Bacillus thuringiensis, Streptomyces sp.), Whole wheat, Antioxidant additive (BHA and BHT), Red fruit flavor, Calcite limestone, Sodium chloride (common salt), chelated chromium, ventilated sulfur (sulfur flower), bicalcium phosphate, calcium iodate, sodium monensin, magnesium oxide, zinc oxide, sodium selenite, cobalt sulphate, copper sulphate, iron sulphate, Manganese sulfate, Tannin.

Guarante Levels

Calcium (mín) 20 g/kg
Calcium (máx) 25 g/kg
Cobalt (mín) 3 mg/kg
Copper (mín) 100 mg/kg
Chromium (min) 3 mg/kg
Sulphur (min) 5.000 mg/kg
Ethereal Extract (mín)  30 g/kg
Iron (mín) 20 mg/kg
Unprocessed Fiber (max)  40 g/kg
Fluorine (máx) 250 mg/kg
Phosphurus (mín) 10 g/kg
Iodine (mín) 5 mg/kg
Magnesium (mín) 1.000 mg/kg
Manganese (mín) 200 mg/kg
Mineral Material (máx) 225 g/kg
Sodic Monensin (mín) 180 mg/kg
Unprocessed Protein (min) 100 g/kg
Selenium (min) 2 mg/kg
Sodium (mín) 36 g/kg
Tannin (mín) 10 g/kg 
Humidity (máx) 130 g/kg
Zinc (mín) 300 mg/kg
FDA (máx) 80 g/kg
NDT Estimado 680 g/kg

Products for Beef Cattle

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J A Teixeira Veterinária Ltda. Headquarters: Angelo Santi Avenue, 1615. Santo Augusto, RS, Brazil. Phone: +55 (55) 3781-3476
Indústria Pet Food. Headquarters: Alberto Sperotto Street, 65. Santo Augusto, RS, Brazil. Phone: +55 (55) 3781-3329